I was still feeling the glow this morning from the powerful and moving speeches made at the Democratic Convention and as I read Paul Krugman’s column in the New York Times I saw that I wasn’t alone. They were all eloquent and moving and inspiring. They may not fix our many problems, but they most certainly spelled them out in detail – Americans are and have been getting a raw deal, a belief that is continually pooh-poohed by the Republicans who just can’t seem to understand what people are complaining about. But according to Krugman, the numbers support the Democrats. I’m glad to know that someone who knows far more than me sees the same dismal picture of the economic status of American families. The numbers were bad in 2007 and there seems to be little doubt that the numbers will be even worse in 2008.
And yet John McCain and the Republicans keep trying to assure us all that there is no problem.
Krugman suggests we take a look at John Goodman, a key figure in Republican health care circles, who explains that we shouldn’t worry about the growing number of Americans without health insurance, because no one is really uninsured – all you have to do is go to the emergency room, you can always get treatment there. George Bush echoed the same thought. That must explain why emergency rooms are continually overflowing, that people are waiting hours to be seen. There have even been deaths of people in the emergency waiting rooms because they were unable to be seen by a doctor due to the number of people ahead of them. And, Krugman writes, John Goodman wants the next president to issue an executive order prohibiting the Census Bureau from classifying anyone as uninsured! Yep, that should take care of the problem.
Health care, rather the lack of it, is a major problem in this country which is outrageous for the most powerful country in the world – at least we’re still considered that for now. And while the Democratic leaders – in Clinton’s words “feel our pain”, the Republicans, just sniff and shake their heads – they quite obviously do not. And, as Krugman says, “it’s hard to fix a problem if you don’t even think that it exists”. After all didn’t Phil Gramm describe us as a “nation of whiners”?
This country had better wake up and soon – it is time for a new day in politics and four more years of Republicans is no where near a new day of any kind.
Writing and Emotions
9 hours ago
I don't know why everyone thinks this race is so close. It will be amazing if Obama doesn't just run off with the election. However, only intelligent voters will feel that way. Many, many Americans fall for that swiftboat tactic that was used on Kerry last election.
Too many voters don't study the issues and just vote for the one with the best propaganda.
I feel like Obama won't have any trouble winning this race. I think McCain has ruined his chance now with his new vice presidential candidate. She is pretty but if something happens to him who wants her to be president of the United States. I think he thought he would get the womens vote and the Hillary supporters with her. No chance!
Income and health care are huge problems for me as I approach what should have been my retirement age. What puzzles me in all of the mass media election coverage is what happened to Obama's white heritage? He is always referred to as the first African-American or black candidate. Are we still living under octaroon laws, when the teeniest tiniest drop of black African blood in one's veins meant one was black?
I must differ with those who believe Obama will run off with the election. Think of the hate in this country that was strong enough for U.S. citizens -- former military soldiers -- to blow up the Murro Building in Oklahoma City. That hate is still simmering out there.
Good thoughtful column, Sylvia.
I'm afraid that even now, one drop of black blood and you're black, but it is somewhat better than before. People never think of my children as black and their father did have an even more mixed heritage than Obama's, but then they don't look black and are pretty fair skinned. Still, when they were little and were seen with their father, there were some that called them "niggers". My daughter, who was seven at the time this happened to her, patted my hand when she told me about it and said, "they're just ignorant, Mom". Ah, the wisdom on the young!
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