I realize that I’m always asking questions in my posts and maybe it’s because I never seem to be able to find the answers I’m looking for – maybe no one else knows the answers either. But when do we start looking at the bigger picture? When do we finally get the picture that McCain cares more about trying to win this election than he does about the good of our country. And when do people in this country recognize that his idiotic behavior has nothing to do with the actual problems, but only what he sees as a way to show himself in whatever light will make him look good and help him win the presidency. It’s all about McCain not about the future of this country. Frank Rich’s Op-Ed piece in the NYT discusses this and it’s well worth the read
But that’s only one of the major problems we have to deal with. The other things that scare me are the things I see and hear about that are happening in different places around the country where people are lambasting Muslims and they are cheap, not so subtle tricks to try and undermine Obama. In Portland, Oregon a DVD doing just that was included in the delivered copies of the newspaper paper, The Oregonian. In a town in New Mexico at a local golf course, the secretary of the organization used the membership mailing list to send out a message about "Why Muslims Can't Be Americans." What are people thinking? Or is that the problem? Fear and ignorance is beginning to overwhelm this country right now and when that happens we can say goodbye to all the hopes and dreams of so many. It is terrifying to think just where our country is going to wind up if these sorts of things continue. For more on this see http://texastooregon.blogspot.com/ and http://zeesgowest.blogspot.com/
Surely, we are better citizens than this! The world has become too small for us to just consider ourselves as citizens of the United States, whether we like the idea or not we are citizens of the world and that’s as it should be, particularly now. If we can extend our view to a new conception of “we are the world” what a difference we could make, not just here in this country, but everywhere.
It’s not just this election, it’s not just McCain’s tactics, it’s not just the totally unprepared for office, Sarah Palin, it’s our future, our country’s future, the future of our children and grandchildren that is at stake here. So, I ask again, when is enough, enough?
Writing and Emotions
10 hours ago
Another great post, Sylvia. It is way past 'enough'. I sense a feeling of isolationism rearing it's ugly head.
I was so depressed for weeks after the last election that I am afraid I may not survive another disappointment in the stupidity of the electorate.
Sylvia, I just published a post on my blog about the "Cheap Tricks" happening here in New Mexico. It includes some contact information for the golf club if anyone is interested in firing off an email or two.
I couldn't agree more, Sylvia. Those people who spread those lies are well known to the McCain campaign. They are trying the same dirty tricks on Obama that Bush and his scalawags used on McCain. You'd think McCain would not want to do that himself after what he went through in South Carolina.
This is a good post. I want people to begin to rise up in righteous indignation and fight this.
Thanks for mentioning my blog.
For the most part we're still being held hostage by the "me" generation in the era of "self gratification first".
You are so right Sylvia. He just wants to be president and he will do or say anything to get to where he wants to be. I can't believe that people cannot see through his tactics.
Hopefully things will reach a solution for all Sylvia.Good on you for having your say.
We in Oz do wonder what the fall-out will be for us too ...
It's a globe shaker!
We're long past enough and way into overtime. I can't believe that people still consider McCain a viable candidate worth supporting. I reminded of this quote:
“No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
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