Sunday, September 28, 2008

Colorful Collage to End the Day

In spite of all the political frustrations, worries and concerns
about our country, as night falls I want to remember
the beauty that is always there.
May you all have a lovely evening.Posted by Picasa


Arija said...

Hallo Sylvia, It is good to give thanks where it is due before we retire to rest. I always go out into the garden before we old night owls go to bed. There is something very comforting about being part of all that is as well as knowing how small but not insignificant a part we are.
Peace upon you and your country.

Judy said...

We have so much to be thankful for in our lives. This is such a beautiful place and we are so lucky in so many ways.

Darlene said...

Your collage is not only a lovely way to end the day, but a nice one to begin a new week with.

Woo Hoo. Now that I am rested, I have solved the blog glitch and your site is now correctly listed on my blog and it works. I arrived here via the link on my site. All is well.

storyteller said...

I appreciate your colorful collage here … and the links you’ve left in recent posts. I share your concerns about the financial mess, McCain’s recent ‘erratic’ behavior and responses (not to mention the fact that Sarah Palin COULD be a heartbeat away from the Presidency soon) … though I’m hopeful common sense will prevail and that the Democratic ticket prevails in the election. It’s not easy to remain calm and centered in the face of such chaos. I've left an animated award for friends at Small Reflections ... should you care to drop by and collect it ;-)
Hugs and blessings,